2024 Yr
#2024/10/9 # Huge Congrats 대성 논문이 Advanced Functional Materials 저널에 Accept 되었습니다. 축하합니다.
" Unveiling the Resistive Switching Mechanism and Low Current Dynamics of Ru-based Hybrid Synaptic Memristors"
Congratulations to Daeseong on Acceptance at Advanced Functional Materials Journal.
#2024/09/10 # Congratulations 광호군이 2024년도 석사과정생 연구장려금 과제에 선정되었습니다.
#2024/9/05 # Congratulations 의진 논문이 Nano Research 저널에 게재승인되었습니다. Congrats!
"Anisotropic resistive switching of 2D-layered single crystal halide perovskite CsPb2Br5-based memristor"
Congratulations to Uijin on Acceptance at Nano Research journal.
#2024/8/13 # Congratulations 성문&원준 논문이 Ceramics International 에 게재승인되었습니다. 축하
"Output Performance of Zinc Tin Oxide Nanoparticle-based Piezoelectric Nanogenerators with Different Shapes and Phases
Congratulations to Chengwen and Wonjun on Acceptance at Ceramics International.
#2024/8/12 # Congratulations 정의진군이 삼성산학기술교류회 우수논문상을 수상했습니다. 축하합니다.
Uijin won the Excellence Paper Award at the Samsung-HYU Industrial Science and Technology Exchange Conference.
#2024/3/22 # Congratulations 의진&상민 (TIM team) 논문이 Ceramics International 에 게재승인되었습니다.
"Vertically-aligned Zn2SnO4-Fe3O4 core-shell microsphere-based thermal interface material with high thermal conductivity"
Congratulations to TIM Team on Acceptance at Ceramics International Journal.
#2024/3/07 # Congratulations 쿠마박사의 논문이 Chemical Eng. J. 에 억셉트 되었습니다.
Congratulations to Dr. Kumar on Acceptance at Chemical Engineering Journal.
#2024/2/27 # Congratulations 정성민과 하주윤 논문이 Adv. Mat. Tech.지에 출판승인 되었습니다. "High-efficiency flexible Cs2AgBiBr6-based visible photodetector with transferable TiO2 nanorod electron-transport layer"
Congratulations to Sungmin and Juyun on Acceptance at Adv. Mat. Tech. Journal .
#2024/2/15 # Congratulations 원준이 한양대 석사학위과정을 마치고, SK하이닉스에 입사 했습니다. 항상 건승하길.
#2024/1/31 # Congratulations Nav Kumar박사의 논문이 Carbon 지에 출판 되었습니다.
Congratulations to Dr. Kumar on publication at Carbon Journal (Jan 31, 2024).
#2024/1/25 #Congrats! 의진 논문이 J. Alloys and Comp. 저널에 출판되었습니다. "Effects of rubidium substitution of Cs2-xRbxAgBiBr6 double halide perovskites on resistive switching characteristics for memory applications"
Congratulations to Uijin and Jeonga on publication at JALCOM (Jan 25, 2024).
2023 Yr
#2023/11/23 #Congratulations! 원준이 KISM2023학회에서 Best Presentation Award상을 수상했습니다. Wonjun received the Best presentation award at KISM 2023.
#2033/11/05 #Congrats! 의진 논문이 J. Alloys and Comp. 저널에 Accetp되었습니다. "Effects of rubidium substitution of Cs2-xRbxAgBiBr6 double halide perovskites on resistive switching characteristics for memory applications"
Congratulations to Uijin and Jeonga on acceptance at JALCOM.
#2023/09/5 #Congrats! 칸 박사의 논문이 Nanoscale Horizon 저널에 Accetp되었습니다. 축하합니다.
Congratulations to Dr. Khan on acceptance at Nanoscale Horizon.
#2023/09/01 #Congrats! 의진이 2023년 하계 정보통신설비학회에서 우수논문상을 수상했습니다. 축하합니다.
#2023/08/08 #Congrats! 의진&김도현박사 논문이 J. Phy. Chem. C 저널에 Accetp되었습니다. 축하합니다.
Congratulations to Uijin and Dohyun on acceptance at J. Phy. Chem.
#2023/07/13 # Congratulations ! 정신군의 논문이 Surfaces and Interfaces 저널에 게재승인 되었습니다. 리비젼에 고생해준 원준에게도 감사. Best team-works. Congrats to Cheng on acceptance at surfaces and Interfaces.
#2023/07/11 University of Utah 노모세 박사님 연구실 방문! (HxCES 세미나 진행).
#2023/4/24 # Congratulations ! 지수, Kumar 박사논문이 Chemoshpere 논문에 게재승인되었습니다. Congratulations to Jisoo and Dr.Kumar on accetance of publication in Chemosphere journal.
#2023/04/03 올해 졸업한 문진욱 TL (SK 하이닉스) 연구실 방문! C&C 사업부.
#2023/03/01 # Congratulations!" 도현, 의진 논문이 Applied Science 지에 출판되었습니다. Contgratuations to Dohyun and Uijin on publication in Applied Science 2023 .
#2023/2/17 # Congratulations ! 진욱, 정신, 정아, 주윤의 석사 졸업을 축하합니다. Congratulations on your graduation! I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors.
# 2023/2/15 #Congratulations !!! 박진섭 교수 BK 사업단 Enrich IT Awards (Education) 대상 수상/ Kumar 박사 Outstanding Research Award 수상; Congratulations to Captain Park on received the Grand prize in ENRICH IT Award (Education) and Dr.Kumar on received outstanding Research Awards in BK21 program 2023
#2023/02/01 #Welcome 김상민 (박사과정) 정성민 (석사과정) 연구원으로 ICSA 그룹원이 되었습니다. Welcome Sangmin and Sungmin to join ICSA group 2023 Spring.
# 2023/1/10 # Congratulations ! Kumar 박사의 논문이 Nanomaterials 에 게재승인 되었습니다. Congratulations to Dr.Kumar on acceptance of publication in Nanomaterials 2023
2022 Yr
#2022/10/01 #Congratulations !!! 쿠마 박사의 논문이 Environmental Pollution 저널에 최종 Accept 되었습니다. :Congratulations to Dr. Nav. Kumar on Acceptance of publication in Environmental Pollution " Zinc hydroxystannate/zinc-tin oxide heterojunctions for the UVC-assisted photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange and tetracycline"
#2022/09/22 #Congratulations !!! 문호 논문이 J. Alloys &Compound 저널에 최종 Accept 되었습니다. :Congratulations to Munho on Acceptance of publication in J. Alloys and Compound. "Enhanced device performance of Cs2AgBiBr6 double perovskite photodetector by SnO2/ZnO double electron transport layer"
# 022/08/27#Congratulations !!! 정보통신설비학회 2022 하계학술대회 우수논문상 수상 : "산화물 기반 에너지하베스팅 및 응용" Captain. Jinsub received the Best Paper Award in ITFE2022 Conference. Thanks to Energy harvesting team in ICSA.
#2022/08/09. #Congratulations !!! 슈방키 박사의 논문이 J. Alloys & Comp.에 Accept 되었습니다. Congratulations to Dr. Shubhangi on Acceptance of publication in J. Alloys and Compound. "Piezoelectric Nanogenerator Based on Lead-free BiFeO3:Sr Perovskite"
#2022/05/06 #Congratulations !!! 진욱/의진이 제 29회 한국반도체학술대회에서 우수포스터상을 수상했습니다Congratulations to Jinwook/Uijin on received the Best Poster Award in the 29th Korean Conference on Semiconductors (April 7, 2022).
#2022/03/08 #Congratulations !!! Kumar 박사의 논문이 Chemosphere에 Accept 되었습니다. Congratulations to Dr. Kumar on Acceptance of publication in Chemosphere.
#2022/02/24 #축하합니다. 의진이 제 7회 한국 LED 광전자학회에서 우수 포스터 상을 수상했습니다. Congratulations to Uijin on received the Best Poster Award in 7th LED/Optoelectronic Conference.
# 2022/02/18 #Congratulations!!! 봄스민이 ICPBL+ 우수상을 수상했습니다
#2022/02/01 #Welcome 허 원준이 석사연구원으로 ICSeA 그룹원이 되었습니다. Welcome Wonjun to join ICSeA group.
#2022.01/25 #축하합니다. 의진&진욱의 논문이 게재 승인되었습니다. Congratulations to Uijin & Jinuk on acceptance of publications in Applied Sciences.
2021 Yr
#2021/9/07 #Congratulations!!! 준혁/의진's paper was accepted in Sensors (IF 3.576, Q1) . " Improved photoresponse characteristics of a ZnO-based UV photodetector by the formation of an amorphous SnO2 shell layer"
#2021/08/30 ICSeA 새식구 환영합니다. 이흠 과 수항(석사) 환영 합니다.!!
# 2021/8/27 봄스민이 한국정보통신학회 에서 우수논문상을 받았습니다. Bomseumin was awarded the”Best Paper Award” on Information and communications facilities conference 2021. Congratulations on take a best paper award.
#2021/08/25 졸업을 축합니다. 김도현(박사) 과 성문(석사)의 졸업을 축하합니다.
#2021/06/11 김도현 군이 박사심사를 잘 마쳤습니다. 축합니다.
(Dohyun Successfully passed his Ph.D defense. Congrats!!)
#2021/05/21 심문호군이 반도체디스플레이기술학회(제주도)에서 우수논문상을 수상했습니다. 축합니다.
#2021/3/22 #Congratulations!!! Shubhangi 연구결과가 J. Alloys and Comp. (IF 4.65) 저널에 Accept 되었습니다. "Facile synthesis of binder free ZnO and its Indium, Tin doped materials for Efficient Dye sensitized solar cellsarchical architectures"
#2021/2/20 #Congratulations!!! Babu/도현/동수 논문이 Mat. Sci.Eng. B (IF 4.706) 저널에 출판 되었습니다. "Ligand-ree synthesis and photo luminescent characteristics of Sm3+-doped Ba3(PO4)2 phosphor hierarchical architectures"
#2021/01/01 ICSeA 새식구 환영합니다. 임정아/ 하주윤(석박통합), 문진욱(SKHynix), 정신(석사) 모두 환영!!
2020 Yr
#2020/12/15 #Congratulations!!!홍범/민우의 논문이 Composites Part B (IF 7.635) 에 출판되었습니다. (Piezoelectric BaTiO3 microclusters and embossed ZnSnO3 microsphere-based monolayer for highly-efficient and flexible composite generator
#2020/11/21 #Congratulations!!! Babu/도현/동수 논문이 Mat. Sci.Eng. B (IF 4.706) 저널에 Accept 되었습니다. Synthesis and photo luminescent characteristics of Sm3+-doped Ba3(PO4)2 phosphor hierarchical architectures
#2020/10/15 #Congratulations!!!홍범/민우의 논문이 Composites Part B (IF 7.635)에 on-line publish되었습니다..(Piezoelectric BaTiO3 microclusters and embossed ZnSnO3 microsphere-based monolayer for highly-efficient and flexible composite generator
#2020/08/19 #Congratulations!!! 도현이 제 58회 한국진공학회에서 으뜸포스터발표상을 수상했습니다.
#2020/08/02 #Congratulations!!! Dr. Shubhangi's paper ( Fabrication of leaf shaped SnO2 nanoparticles via sol-gel route and its application for the optoelectronic humidity sensor ) will be published in journal: Mat. Lett. 278 (2020) 128451
# 2020/07/09 축하합니다. 학부생 다미/하영이 2020년도 전자재료학회 하계학술대회 학부생경진에서 "우수논문상"을 수상 했습니다.
" Annealing effects of SnO2 on device performance of MSM PD" @ Phoenix Park Forest Hall
# 2020/07/07 Starting of Brand New Research Group " Innovative Compound Semiconductors and Application Laboratory" (차세대) 화합물반도체 및 응용연구실 (ICSeA [iksia], 익시아, 바다를 꿈꾸는 고래)
# 2020/07/01 Welcom!! 정봄스민, 정신, 심문호 will join to ACSOL Group as Master candiate.
# 2019년도 교육부우수연구성과 ( NRF 영상 다음을 클릭해서 보세요)
#2020/04/15 #Congratulations!!! Yuexing Ji's paper ( Ultraviolet photodetectors using hollow p-CuO nanospheres/n-ZnO nanorods with a pn junction structure ) is Published in journal: Sensors and Actuators A : Physical 304, 111876(2020)
2020/03/01 Welcome !! Dr. Subhanki join to ACSOL as a postdoctorial fellower.
#2020/02/23 #Congratulations!!! Dohyun's paper ( Effects of different InGaN/GaN electron emission layers / inter layers on performance of a UV-A LED) is accepted to Appl. Sci 10. 1514 (2020)
#2020/02/12 #Congratulations!!! Dr. Daya's paper ( Enhanced photocatalytic and antibacterial activity of ZnO/Ag nanostructure synthesized by Tamarindus indica pulp extract ) is accepted to J. Mat. Sci.
#2020/01/28 #Congratulations!!! Yuexing Ji's paper ( Ultraviolet photodetectors using hollow p-CuO nanospheres/n-ZnO nanorods with a pn junction structure ) is accepted to Sensors and Actuators A : Physical
# 2020/1/20 #Congratulations!!! 의진이 논문( Metal–Semiconductor–Metal UV Detectors Using Transferrable Amorphous and Crystalline Zinc-Tin-Oxide Microsphere Monolayers)이 ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2020 8 (1), 60-70에 게재되었습니다.
Congrats!! UiJin's paper was published in ACS Sustaianble Chem. & Eng. (IF 6.97).
2019 Yr
# 2019/12/17 #Congratulations!!! 우리 그룹(ACSOL)의 연구 성과물이 2019년 교육부 우수성과 50선(이공분야 15선)에 선정되었습니다. " 광전자소자의 효율향상을 위한 금속전극과 전사가능 나노구의 활용에 관한 결과물 " 입니다.우수성과를 만들어준 ACSOL 그룹원들에게 감사합니다. boardID=294&boardSeq=79316&lev=0&m=020402
# CAll For Paper
Guest Editor : Prof. Jinsub Park.
#2019/10/31 Uijin's paper is accepted in ACS Sustain. Chem & Eng. Congrats!!
정의진 군의 ZTO photodetector 관련 논문이 ACS에 최종 Accept 되었습니다. 축하합니다. !!
#2019/09/29 Dr. Daya's 논문이 J. of Mat. Sci.:Elec. Mat. 출간되었습니다. 축하합니다.
#2019/09/27 그룹 하이킹 @ 성곽길 북악산 코스
#2019/09/10 Seunghwan Visited ACSOL again ! 졸업생인 승환군이 연구실을 방문했습니다.
#2019/08/21 Dr. Shin won the award. 신동수 박사가 박사졸업생 최우수상을 수상 했습니다 축하합니다.
# 2019/08/21 Dong Su and Taekgon eanrned Ph.D. 신동수 군과 김택곤 곤이 박사학위를 받았습니다. 축하!
#2019/08/08 상성문이 석사과정으로 ACSOL 그룹 새식구 되었습니다. Welcome!!
# 2019/04/25 Dr. Daya's 논문이 개제확정되었습니다. (J. of Mat. Sci.:Elec. Mat. )Congrats!!
#2019/02 Uijin earned a Master Degree. Congrats! (Feb 21/ 2019)
#2019/02/15 Minwoo, Junhyuk, Jiyeon, Jisoo made impressive oral-presentations at the Korea Conference on Semiconductor 2019
( 민우, 준혁, 지연, 지수가 2019 한국반도체 학술 대회에서 각자 연구 결과를 멋지게 구두 발표 했습니다. Good Job!!)
2018 Yr
#2018/12/21 Yuexing and Dong Su won a prize for Best Poster Award in Nano Micro 2018 Conference.Congrats!!
축하합니다.!! 월성과 동수가 Nano Micro 2018 학회에서 포스터발표상을 각각 수상했습니다.
#2018/10/23 Taeyoung and Dong Su's paper is accepted in S S&T (Oct. 23/2018). Congrats!
#2018/11/05 Hahnjoo and Dong Su's paper is Published in ACS Sustain. Chem & Eng. Congrats!
#2018/09/01 Welcome! Dr. Daya and Z.P. Xian joined ACSOL
-Our group's paper is published in ACS Sustain. Chem & Eng. Congratulations! ACSOLers ( July 19/2018)
-Welcome! Subin & Minwoo joined our group (March. 01/2018)
- Donguk and Hahnjoo got a Master Degree. Congratulations!! ( Feb. 24/2018)
-Congratulations !! Hahnjoo won a prize for the "best graduate student awards" (Feb. 24/2018)
-Welcome! New ACSOLers : Junhyuk, Ji Soo, Ji Yeon joined our group ( March / 2018)
- Dong Su's paper is published in Appl. Surf. Sci. Congrats. Dongsu!! ( January / 2018)
-Congratulations! Prof. Park has been selected 2018 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award.
-Congratulations! Prof. Park has been selected Marquis Who's Who 2017 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award. and 2018 Marquis Who’s Who in the World
November 2017
Congratulations! Prof. Park has been selected Marquis Who's Who 2017 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award. and 2018 Marquis Who’s Who in the World
November 11. 2017
Congrats!! : Taeyoung's paper was accepted in Optics Express.
Oct. 2017
Congrats!! : Don Su's paper was accepted in JALCOM
Sept. 2017
Congrats!! : Hahnjoo's paper was accepted in Mat&Design.
June 01. 2017
- Welcome ! Yuexing Join ACSOL as an MS student
Feb. 2017
- Welcome to ACSOL New Acsoler - Ui Jin Jung as an MS Student,
Dec. 2016
- Congrats!! Sanghoo and Taeyoung find out job in SKhynix and Samsung, respectively,
August 01. 2016
Welcome! Chanwool and Hongbeom join ACSOL.
April 18. 2016
Welcome to ACSOL, Dr. Kadam join as a post-doctor.
Feb. 24. 2016
Congratulation to Taeyoung for receiving the Best Poster Award at KCS 2016!
Welcome : Hahan Joo Join our group as a Ph.D candidate
July 27. 2015
Congratulation to Dong Su for Receiving the Best Poster Award at Optoelectronics and LED conference 2015 !!
Welcome Donguk join to acsol as a master candidate.
Feb. 12. 2015
Congratulation to Yun Hyung for receiving "Hynix Award" at KCS 2015 !!
Graphene/AlGaN/GaN related research paper received the best poster award at KCS 2015!
Congratulations to DongSu for receiving the Best Poster Award !!
Light extraction of LED related research paper received the best poster award at LED and Solid State Lighting Conference 2014 Fall!
Congratulations to Sang Hoo for receiving the Undergraduated Student Best Paper Award !!
Jun. 26, 2014 Graphene/AlGaN/GaN related research paper received the best poster award at Electric and Electronic Materials Conference 2014 !
Congratulations to Minjun and Yun Hyung for receiving the Best Poster Award !!
Feb. 26, 2014 AlGaN/GaN SBD related research paper received the best poster award at KCS 2014 !
Release of research results for wafer bowing issues with hollow nanospheres in LED
서울대와 공동연구로 진행한 LED 연구결과 발표 : Scientific Reports 2013
Congratulations to Dohyun Kim for receiving the Best Poster Award !!
Dohyun received the Best Poster Award at the ICNST 2013.
Introduction of ACSOL
서울대와 공동연구한 비극성하이브리드 LED 구조가 소개되었습니다.
Impacts of Hanyang's Research
Applying Nano Structures in Compound Semiconductors 2013. 06. week 3
Congratulations to Taejoon Son for receiving the Best Poster Award !!
2012 Nanokorea 학회에서 산화아연 나노 구조물의 모폴로지 변화에 따른 Green LED의 광추출 효율 증대에 관한 연구논문으로 Best Poster 상을
수상하였습니다. 축하합니다.2220-4318 / 2220- 2318
Congratulations to Keunki Kim for receiving the Best Poster Award !!
학부생 김근기 학생이 대전에서 개최된 2012 춘계물리학회에서 LED 효율을 증가시키기 위한 나노하이브리드 구조에 대한 연구 발표로 우수포스터상을 수상하였습니다. 축하해 주세요.