Group News
( 2024 )

#2025/02/21 # Congraturations !! 우대성박사와 정성민 석사의 졸업을 축하합니다. 새로운 여행에 행운이 가득하길 빕니다.
Congratulations on the graduation of Dr. Daeseong Woo and Jeong Seongmin. I wish you all the best on
your new journey.
#2025/01/14 # Congraturations!! 대성 논문이 Small 저널에 Accept 되었습니다. 축하해 주세요.
Daeseong' paper is accepted on Nano micro Samll journal, huge Congratulations
#2024/12/01 # Congratulations 2024년 12월 하반기 삼성미래기술육성사업 과제 수주 및 진행
"준초격자 저장층기반 쿼드레벨 임계전압분포 자가정류 SOM개발"
#2024/10/30 # Congratulations 박진섭 교수 "2024 소부장뿌리기술대전" 산업부장관상 수상! 축하합니다.
Professor Park Jinsub won the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Award.
#2024/10/9 # Huge Congrats 대성 논문이 Advanced Functional Materials 저널에 Accept 되었습니다. 축하합니다.
" Unveiling the Resistive Switching Mechanism and Low Current Dynamics of Ru-based Hybrid Synaptic Memristors"
Congratulations to Dae-Seong on Acceptance at Advanced Functional Materials Journal.
#2024/09/10 # Congratulations 광호군이 2024년도 석사과정생 연구장려금 과제에 선정되었습니다.
#2024/9/05 # Congratulations 의진 논문이 Nano Research 저널에 게재승인되었습니다. Congrats!
"Anisotropic resistive switching of 2D-layered single crystal halide perovskite CsPb2Br5-based memristor"
Congratulations to Uijin on Acceptance at Nano Research journal.
#2024/8/13 # Congratulations 성문&원준 논문이 Ceramics International 에 게재승인되었습니다. 축하
"Output Performance of Zinc Tin Oxide Nanoparticle-based Piezoelectric Nanogenerators with Different Shapes and Phases
Congratulations to Chengwen and Wonjun on Acceptance at Ceramics International.
#2024/8/12 # Congratulations 정의진군이 삼성산학기술교류회 우수논문상을 수상했습니다. 축하합니다.
Uijin won the Excellence Paper Award at the Samsung-HYU Industrial Science and Technology Exchange Conference.
#2024/8/01 # Congratulations 탄자오종군 논문이 ACS Appl. Mater. & Interface 에 게재승인되었습니다.
"Transferrable CsPbBr3 Perovskite Single Crystalline Film for Visible-Wavelength Photodetector"
Congratulations to TZZ on Acceptance at ACS Appl. Mat & Interfaces.
#2024/7/01 # Congratulations 쿠마박사 논문이 J. Water Process Eng. 에 게재승인되었습니다.
"Synthesis of hierarchical flower-like nitrogen functionalized graphene oxide-zinc oxide photocatalyst for the sonophotocatalytic degradation of tetracycline antibiotic."
Congratulations to TIM Team on Acceptance at J. Water Pro. Eng.
#2024/3/22 # Congratulations 의진&상민 (TIM team) 논문이 Ceramics International 에 게재승인되었습니다.
"Vertically-aligned Zn2SnO4-Fe3O4 core-shell microsphere-based thermal interface material with high thermal conductivity"
Congratulations to TIM Team on Acceptance at Ceramics International Journal.
#2024/3/07 # Congratulations 쿠마박사의 논문이 Chemical Eng. J. 에 억셉트 되었습니다.
Congratulations to Dr. Kumar on Acceptance at Chemical Engineering Journal.
#2024/2/27 # Congratulations 정성민과 하주윤 논문이 Adv. Mat. Tech.지에 출판승인 되었습니다. "High-efficiency flexible Cs2AgBiBr6-based visible photodetector with transferable TiO2 nanorod electron-transport layer"
Congratulations to Sungmin and Juyun on Acceptance at Adv. Mat. Tech. Journal .
#2024/2/15 # Congratulations 원준이 한양대 석사학위과정을 마치고, SK하이닉스에 입사 했습니다. 항상 건승하길.
#2024/1/31 # Congratulations Nav Kumar박사의 논문이 Carbon 지에 출판 되었습니다.
Efficient One-Pot Two-Step Electrochemical Synthesis of Highly Oxidized Graphene Oxide for Enhanced Energy and Environmental Applications: Structure Elucidation Through DFT Simulations"
Congratulations to Dr. Kumar on publication at Carbon Journal (Jan 31, 2024).
#2024/1/25 #Congrats! 의진 논문이 J. Alloys and Comp. 저널에 출판되었습니다. "Effects of rubidium substitution of Cs2-xRbxAgBiBr6 double halide perovskites on resistive switching characteristics for memory applications"
Congratulations to Uijin and Jeonga on publication at JALCOM (Jan 25, 2024).